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Class of 2017

My last year in High School was the best. Football games, Homecoming, Prom, Friday nights at the End of First, and all the great things that came along throughout that year. It was so dang fun. Now, it is Mireyah's last year in High School and I can only hope she enjoys her last year at High School as much I did. Time truly goes by so fast.

This weekend, it is my 20 year High School reunion. 20 YEARS!! I can't believe it. Unfortunately, I will be missing it. Boooo!!! I am in New York working on my craft, shooting adorable little ones and trying to stay cool from this crazy humid weather...although it looks like rain this weekend. Luckily for me, I keep in touch with a lot of my High School friends. I am able to spend time with them when I am back In the Bay and of course, see many friends on Facebook and other social media platforms. I graduated with the best class and I will miss seeing them Saturday. Hugs to you all.

As for Mireyah, she is just getting started with her adventures. She will graduate next June and be off to college. She will meet new people, share new memories with new friends and become a woman who will make this world a better place.

Here's to a great school year and remember to stay in touch..even when life starts passing you by.

GO Panthers!



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